Tag: Kaye Kittrell Late Bloomer

Greens Too Pretty To Eat

Greens Too Pretty To Eat

| March 4, 2016 | 6 Replies

My Greens are too pretty to eat. I have a confession. I don’t eat many of the greens that I grow, which is crazy, I know! I adore watching them grow and just when they are at their peak of beauty is the time to whip up a tasty dressing and make a salad. And I […]

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An Oscar-worthy Homegrown Brunch

An Oscar-worthy Homegrown Brunch

| February 29, 2016 | Reply

While all of Hollywood prepped for the Oscar festivities on Sunday, I prepared myself an Oscar-worthy homegrown brunch. The unexpectedly sizzling February propelled my arugula, lettuce and radishes to bolt. And my few, thin asparagus spears were about to flower, as well. Time for another 20-minute meal! Here’s how it all went down…quickly! I took a […]

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Tomato & Tobacco Hornworm Pests

Tomato & Tobacco Hornworm Pests

| February 24, 2016 | 2 Replies

Tomato & tobacco hornworm pests can devastate your garden, specifically your tomatoes, peppers and eggplants. I first heard about the hornworm from my neighbor, Jim, who appeared in my first tomato episode. I felt lucky I had not seen one! For a couple of years, I visualized having to get a pair of tongs to pull […]

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Remembering a Mentor, Photographer Jimmy Moore

Remembering a Mentor, Photographer Jimmy Moore

| February 15, 2016 | 3 Replies

Today I am remembering a mentor, photographer Jimmy Moore. Jimmy was a top New York fashion photographer in the 1960’s and 70’s, who went on to direct commercials. Unbeknownst to me, he had seen me on a “Saturday Night Live” sketch I’d performed in in the 1980’s, and when he was out in Los Angeles in 1992 […]

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Yummy Potato Salad with Blood Oranges

Yummy Potato Salad with Blood Oranges

| February 9, 2016 | 1 Reply

On Fridays, I make up a few dishes from my farm box. Last Friday was a yummy potato salad with blood oranges. I was asked for the recipe, so here goes. Yummy Potato Salad with Blood Oranges ~ Ingredients ~ 5 medium-sized Yellow Finn potatoes, steamed tender & chunked 4 boiled farm fresh eggs, chopped 2 […]

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Late Bloomer Inspired StoneMalas Bracelet!

Late Bloomer Inspired StoneMalas Bracelet!

| February 5, 2016 | Reply

Late Bloomer Inspired StoneMalas Bracelet! I am excited to announce an artistic collaboration with jewelry designer and photographer, Heather Muro. With my input, Heather has created a “Garden Collection” bracelet package inspired by the themes and colors of Late Bloomer Show! I mentioned my first bracelet in my Jerusalem Artichoke episode (click here to see). We […]

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Magnificent Monarchs, Migration & Metamorphosis

Magnificent Monarchs, Migration & Metamorphosis

| February 5, 2016 | 2 Replies

Magnificent Monarchs, Migration & Metamorphosis is my Christmas special 80th episode of Late Bloomer. Photographed over the course of four years, but mainly from 2012, I have passionately nurtured the Monarch butterfly in the Late Bloomer garden. I hope you will watch and share with friends, teachers and schools, and community groups. Spreading awareness is key […]

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Sharing Seeds, Helps You, Helps Me!

Sharing Seeds, Helps You, Helps Me!

| February 1, 2016 | 11 Replies

Sharing Seeds, Helps You, Helps Me! I finally got my seeds organized and photographed this week. I’ve promised seeds to a few people, including my youngest fan, a 15 year-old gardener named Ben, who loves Late Bloomer! I don’t sell my seeds, as I am new at the seed saving thing, and don’t guarantee them […]

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Jerusalem Artichoke Success!

Jerusalem Artichoke Success!

| January 22, 2016 | Reply

I found Jerusalem Artichoke Success! Check out Growing Jerusalem Artichokes, the new episode of Late Bloomer! When I planted Jerusalem artichokes last year, I never imagined I would be making an episode about the experience. But recently, I realized I should! It gave me an opportunity to plug two of my favorite gardeners: Patrick Dolan at One Yard Revolution who […]

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Butternut Squash and Pear Bread

Butternut Squash and Pear Bread

| January 8, 2016 | 2 Replies

This butternut squash and pear bread may be the best bread I’ve ever made. It’s so hard to get bread just right, moist, but done in the middle, and brown on top but not too done. Today I nailed it! I love the flavor of almond extract and the pear gives squash bread a lift! Butternut […]

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