Tag: Kaye Kittrell Late Bloomer

Carob Oatmeal Gluten-free Cookie Recipe

Carob Oatmeal Gluten-free Cookie Recipe

| October 27, 2016 | Reply

In “Growing Loofa for Sponges” you will see that I offered my young neighbor Zachary a carob oatmeal gluten-free cookie after our work peeling loofas. Here’s the recipe. I hope you enjoy the episode and the cookies! Carob Oatmeal Gluten-free Cookie Recipe Ingredients 3/4 cup coconut sugar 1/2 cup butter or ghee 1 teaspoon vanilla extract […]

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Time, Sleep, and the Importance of Rain

Time, Sleep, and the Importance of Rain

| October 18, 2016 | 1 Reply

Time, Sleep, and the Importance of Rain ~ My alarm went off at 7:15AM. My first thought, “I don’t have to get up.” I was comfortable. I pulled the covers back over my shoulder. My next thought, “I should get up.” Within a minute of the alarm going off, I was sitting up on the side of […]

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Biodiversity Double Whammy

Biodiversity Double Whammy

| August 21, 2016 | Reply

Today, I have a Biodiversity Double Whammy for you on my YouTube channel. (If you are new to this website, I hope you will subscribe!) Episode 93, or 13 of Season 5, “Biodiversity – What Is It, Why Is It Important, How Do We Get It” includes a bit of my interview with Dr. Jim Hogue, professor […]

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Ugly is Beautiful, Tomatoes

Ugly is Beautiful, Tomatoes

| August 17, 2016 | 2 Replies

Ugly is Beautiful Tomatoes. There’s a been a rash of articles in the press of late about the staggering amount of food waste in this country. Most often it’s discarded because it’s not deemed to be beautiful, or fit the ideal of a certain vegetable or fruit, while people go hungry. One of my Indigo […]

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It Takes as Long as it Takes

It Takes as Long as it Takes

| August 14, 2016 | 2 Replies

“It takes as long as it takes,” was an expression I started using after I had my son. Like my mother, I’m a busy person, and am always multi-tasking. But, putting a baby down for a nap or bedtime is a whole different deal. It takes supreme focus and patience, and a floor that doesn’t […]

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One More Week and It’ll Be Perfect

One More Week and It’ll Be Perfect

| August 10, 2016 | Reply

“One more week and it’ll be perfect,” has been my daily mantra for a month. The truth is, the peak already happened and we are on the downslope of summer. My goal this year was to be the biggest, most diverse garden yet, and I kept plugging in more seeds when one batch of beans or squash played […]

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Phoenix Sizzled and I Vlogged! Dumpling Recipe!

Phoenix Sizzled and I Vlogged! Dumpling Recipe!

| August 6, 2016 | Reply

Phoenix sizzled the week I chose to visit Jacq Davis’s permaculture-style Epic Yard Farm urban garden. Luckily, Jacq is connected to a fruit growers group and got me interview time with Jake the Vegan Athlete and Jay Barringer, all of whom have ponds and fruit trees flourishing in the 100+° temps of Phoenix! Watch and share the […]

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Adobe Interviews Kaye

Adobe Interviews Kaye

| July 11, 2016 | Reply

Adobe Interviews Kaye. (Click for article) – Kaye met Adobe app developer Bronwyn Lewis at the Vancouver Web Fest where Late Bloomer was an Official Selection and Best Reality Nominee two years straight. Kaye has never done any editing. Late Bloomer has from the beginning been edited, sound edited, and composed by professionals. To add a […]

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Growing Loofah, or Luffa, a Race to the Top

Growing Loofah, or Luffa, a Race to the Top

| July 6, 2016 | 3 Replies

Growing loufah, or luffa, has a been a race to the top. The huge trellis between our garage and studio has been empty since I was forced to remove our 30 year-old wisteria vine last November. The massive trunk of the wisteria had moved the garage wall three inches and it was time to go. […]

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New Vlog, New Late Bloomer!

New Vlog, New Late Bloomer!

| June 26, 2016 | 1 Reply

I’ve got a new vlog, new Late Bloomer today for you! In case you are not subscribed to my YouTube channel, click this link and check out the new offerings. I flew over to Phoenix at the invitation of Jacq Davis whose permaculture-style Epic Yard Farm was thriving in 117° sizzling heat. There’s much more to […]

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