Tag: Kaye Kittrell Late Bloomer

Biodynamic Farming

Biodynamic Farming

| May 12, 2012 | Reply

Because my son, Will, attended a Steiner school for five years, I was familiar with Rudolf Steiner, but, not being a gardener, I never looked into biodynamics. Here is some basic information, that I was interested to learn as well. – Kaye “Biodynamics is a spiritual-ethical-ecological approach to agriculture, food production and nutrition. Biodynamics was first […]

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Supper Harvest!

Supper Harvest!

| May 9, 2012 | Reply

A small harvest, but, it was my supper! My first green cauliflower, called an Alverda. I planted this organic cauliflower, my only one, on March 8, after I harvested my first four white cauliflower, which I cover in “Curbside Cauliflower – Episode 2” of “Late Bloomer.” I could have waited another day or two to […]

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Downpour! – Episode 5

Downpour! – Episode 5

| May 7, 2012 | Reply

Please check out Episode 5 of “Late Bloomer,” “Downpour!” Kaye learns an important lesson about being prepared BEFORE the storm hits! With neighbor Brooke and a red-backed jumping spider. Thanks for watching!

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Rainy Day-Episode 4!

Rainy Day-Episode 4!

| May 4, 2012 | Reply

What can you do in the garden on a cold, rainy day? Kaye finds out in “Rainy Day – Episode 4” of “Late Bloomer!” Thanks for watching!

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Slug Patrol

Slug Patrol

| May 4, 2012 | 5 Replies

I just returned from nightly slug and snail patrol.  It was about 8PM, and I spotted this slug on my largest cabbage. I ran and got the camera for those of you who wonder what critter is eating up your vegetables at night. It almost got out of sight before I got the camera in […]

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Podcast with Brian Willson, Student of Permaculture

Podcast with Brian Willson, Student of Permaculture

| May 1, 2012 | Reply

Podcast with Brian Willson, Student of Permaculture. A neighbor and friend, Mark DuBrow, who has been encouraging my vegetable garden effort, dropped by on April 23, with old friend, Vietnam Vet and student of Permaculture, Brian Willson, who shared some thoughts with me about creating biodiversity in my garden. Here is part of our conversation.

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Catch-up Day – Episode 3

Catch-up Day – Episode 3

| April 30, 2012 | Reply

Watch Kaye tackle problems and get some things planted in episode 3 of “Late Bloomer.”

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Small Garden, Big Jobs!

Small Garden, Big Jobs!

| April 30, 2012 | 6 Replies

Planting vegetables and caring for them is glamorous compared to the big jobs in your yard that have to be done every spring. Since my vegetables are growing in the front yard, except for tomatoes and potatoes in pots in the back yard, I tend to ignore the back. But, yesterday was the day to […]

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What’s New!

What’s New!

| April 27, 2012 | 1 Reply

If you have watched “Curbside Cauliflower” – Episode 2 of “Late Bloomer,” you know I am growing cauliflower in the parkway, and you heard me say, “One morning, you go out and it looks like this…and the next morning, this is staring back at you.” And there is a photo of a fully-formed white cauliflower […]

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The Day Before Launch

The Day Before Launch

| April 21, 2012 | Reply

Details, details, it’s all in the details!  As I am premiering the first episode of my web series “Late Bloomer” tomorrow, Earth Day, there is much to be done!  Facebook, Twitter, linking everything together, etc.  You will be able to see “Welcome to Late Bloomer” at Kaye Kittrell’s Channel on youtube starting tomorrow.  I will […]

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