Tag: Kaye Kittrell Late Bloomer

Size Counts!

Size Counts!

| June 13, 2012 | 3 Replies

The neighbors’ gardeners trimmed their row of Eugenias that back up our properties two days ago, and I filled a green can with all that fell on my side. (FYI, wear a mask if you are messing with Eugenias as you will be blowing allergens out of your nose for awhile. I know.) This big guy […]

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Plum Silly!

Plum Silly!

| June 12, 2012 | 9 Replies

About this time every year, I get plum silly! I start glancing out the upstairs bathroom window to see if the plums on the plum tree are getting ripe. When Mr. Gerber’s little one-story house was next door, our plum tree, just our side of the property line, spread way over his picket fence and bore […]

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Simply Sharing Seeds!

Simply Sharing Seeds!

| June 8, 2012 | 6 Replies

Simply Sharing Seeds! Once you join the gardening life, it’s a whole new world that opens up to you. Neighbors walking by might never have stopped to say hello, but, an edible garden in your front yard is like a magnet. Yesterday, Nancy, just such a neighbor, who lives about five blocks from me, gave […]

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Lovely Buckwheat & Other Flowers

Lovely Buckwheat & Other Flowers

| June 6, 2012 | 7 Replies

Lovely, tender buckwheat blooms! When I sprinkled a packet of buckwheat seeds onto my 6.5’x14′ flower island a month ago, I had there a transplanted Iceberg Rose, a purple daisy and 2 Mexican Feather Grass, Cosmos planted from seed in January springing up, and one dill plant emerging, which is now 5′ tall! Now, my […]

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Kaye Grows Carrots from Seed – Episode 9

Kaye Grows Carrots from Seed – Episode 9

| June 5, 2012 | 2 Replies

Kaye grows carrots from seed. Watch Kaye harvest her first carrots and plant more carrot seed, with help from neighbors Sophia, Ashley, Courtney and Brooke. View here or high resolution on Youtube. Thanks for watching! – Kaye

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A Rose by What Name?

A Rose by What Name?

| June 4, 2012 | 7 Replies

For 10 years, I had the pleasure of living beside Mr. Werner Gerber, who was the second person to buy property and build a house on our block in Pacific Palisades, California. He bought the property next to ours for $150 in 1939, but couldn’t afford to build the house and move in till 1941. […]

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Morning Garden Findings

Morning Garden Findings

| June 2, 2012 | 4 Replies

I decided to dig up a few more potatoes from the pot I planted March 16, in “Rainy Day in the Garden,” Episode 4 of “Late Bloomer.” The purple ones, though, looked like they had the measles! They were covered in little bumps. Did I leave them in too long? And the skin just peeled […]

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Does This Make Me a Homesteader?

Does This Make Me a Homesteader?

| June 1, 2012 | 5 Replies

I was so excited to put up a clothesline across my driveway a few months ago. Does this make me a homesteader? It only holds one load, so probably not. I need a couple more lines. Well, what about growing my own vegetables? That’s sweet potatoes growing in that pot. And this was yesterday’s haul, […]

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Memorial Day Garden Questions!

Memorial Day Garden Questions!

| May 28, 2012 | 2 Replies

Oh, it’s blissfully quiet on my street! Except for aircraft (jets high, coming in to LAX south of here, small planes going up and down the coast, occasional helicopters heading over the mountain), I don’t hear a thing! Not even the incessant barking of the dog at the end of the street. No drone of […]

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Growing Purple Cabbage – Episode 8

Growing Purple Cabbage – Episode 8

| May 25, 2012 | Reply

“Growing Purple Cabbage” is Kaye saga as she triumphs over a host of garden pests to harvest, on Mother’s Day, her first-ever cabbage. With neighbors, Sophia, C.L. and Larry. Click on YouTube for high resolution. If you have a question, please leave me a comment. I’ve learned a lot since Mother’s Day 2012, and I […]

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