Tag: Kaye Kittrell Late Bloomer

Taking Advice, or Not!

Taking Advice, or Not!

| July 14, 2012 | 5 Replies

Okay, I’m learning. I think it was Anna at oceannah.wordpress.com that said pick early and often to encourage more growth, so I discovered the larger of these two cucumbers today, and the other one I had been watching, and I picked them. I think they are supposed to get quite a bit larger, but I didn’t […]

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July 4th in the Garden – Episode 13

July 4th in the Garden – Episode 13

| July 11, 2012 | 10 Replies

Catch all the fun, and fireworks, with Kaye in her garden on July 4th! You’ll see all the regular neighbors and a couple of new faces! Kaye transplants strawberries, creates a blueberry bog (red and blue!), and greets neighbors in this patriotic episode. Check out her salad at the end. Go to youtube for high […]

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Nasty Aphids Attack Corn!

Nasty Aphids Attack Corn!

| July 9, 2012 | 4 Replies

Nasty Aphids Attack Corn! What else is new? Aphids attack everything! As I was out shaking the tassels to promote pollination, I discovered my second corn plant has been attacked. Everyone passing by my garden has told me they had trouble growing corn here, and I am no exception! Though, I naively thought I might […]

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Flower Island – Episode 12

Flower Island – Episode 12

| July 3, 2012 | 8 Replies

Please watch me struggle to grow flowers on the 6.5′ x 14′ strip of parkway between the street and the sidewalk in “My Flower Island – Episode 12” of “Late Bloomer.” Buckwheat saved the day. For anyone curious about how we are making “Late Bloomer,” this episode was shot over the course of two months. […]

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White Powder and Other Findings

White Powder and Other Findings

| June 29, 2012 | 10 Replies

If you enjoy photography, and gardening, life can be endlessly interesting. A plant you photograph one day may look different the next. There’s always something to photograph. This came up suddenly overnight. Powdery mildew? But, it’s on backs and fronts of leaves, so I’m not sure. I trimmed off the affected leaves. We ate this […]

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Got to LIve in Your Garden!

Got to LIve in Your Garden!

| June 26, 2012 | 14 Replies

If there’s one thing I’m sure of, it’s, you’ve got to live in your garden! I was gone for about 36 hours to San Mateo County, CA, but since I got back late last night, that translates to two garden days. It’s amazing what can happen in such a short time in the garden. A […]

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Biodynamic Compost at One Gun Ranch

Biodynamic Compost at One Gun Ranch

| June 24, 2012 | Reply

Biodynamic Compost at One Gun Ranch. I made a return trip up to One Gun Ranch (see Episode 6 of “Late Bloomer”) this week to get a better look at the making of biodynamic compost. Ranch manager, Balta, had his sons hard at work with him. I saw Farmer Jack there guiding Balta on preparing the compost. He […]

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Growing Sunflowers – Episode 11

Growing Sunflowers – Episode 11

| June 20, 2012 | 4 Replies

Growing Sunflowers – Episode 11 – Please watch the latest episode of “Late Bloomer,” “Growing Sunflowers!” Kaye grows Lemon Queen Sunflowers from seed, and has some surprise guests! With neighbors Mona, Sophia, Michael and Dennis. Have you tried growing sunflowers? What pests have you encountered? How tall were your sunflowers? Please share “Late Bloomer” with […]

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Corn Advice Welcome!

Corn Advice Welcome!

| June 19, 2012 | 3 Replies

Corn Advice Welcome! I am growing corn in my parkway (the strip between the sidewalk and the street), and the yard near the sidewalk. Everyone who walks by tells me they had trouble growing corn. I thought I was going to be the exception. Yesterday, a couple went by and said they grew corn, but […]

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Memorial Day Madness – Episode 10

Memorial Day Madness – Episode 10

| June 13, 2012 | 4 Replies

Kaye gets a lot done in the garden over Memorial Day weekend, with help from Sophia and Rene! Please share with your gardening friends! Thanks for watching! – Kaye

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