Tag: Kaye Kittrell Late Bloomer

Parrots are BA-ACK!

Parrots are BA-ACK!

| July 23, 2012 | 9 Replies

I was just starting a blog post about my radishes, when the carrying-on outside my office window rang a familiar bell. I grabbed my camera and ran outside and a group of seven green, wild parrots were congregating in the top branch of the tree. Want to hear what I hear?

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Tomato Trouble!

Tomato Trouble!

| July 21, 2012 | 8 Replies

I spent most of yesterday fussing over my tomatoes. I “didn’t get the memo” (from the movie “Batman Begins”) about pruning. As vines towered four feet over my head, I had to channel my inner contortionist to crawl into the jungle and clean up a big pile of limp or shriveled leaves and branches. That’s […]

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Dapple Dandy Plumcot!

Dapple Dandy Plumcot!

| July 20, 2012 | 3 Replies

I don’t have a Dapple Dandy Plumcot tree, but, I wish I did! I have a regular plum tree. See my blog post “Plum Silly” . My neighbor gave me a bag of Dandy Dapple Plumcots (or Pluots) that her friend grew in Visalia, CA, and I’ve never tasted a better plum hybrid! Whereas plumcots and apriplums […]

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Harvesting New Potatoes!

Harvesting New Potatoes!

| July 20, 2012 | 6 Replies

Harvesting new potatoes is something I enjoy more than almost anything in the garden. One stem and it’s leaves had shriveled and turned brown, and that’s when my neighbor, C.L., had told me it was time to dig for potatoes. This was my first find from my second batch of potatoes. Then I found two more […]

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Gardens of Woodside – Episode 14

Gardens of Woodside – Episode 14

| July 19, 2012 | 5 Replies

Kaye gets out of her front yard garden for a little inspiration, and visits beautiful Woodside, California. In this episode, she checks out the Woodside Library California Native Plant Garden and the Woodside Elementary School garden. With guest, teacher Brian Myrtetus. Watch here or higher resolution on YouTube.

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Crane Fly

| July 18, 2012 | 2 Replies

Crane Fly – I spotted this impossibly long-legged, mosquito-like insect on my cherry tomato plant today, and since I’m keen to attract beneficial insects to my garden, grabbed a photo and went to the internet. I learned it is a crane fly. I think I can spot the ovipositor, so I’m assuming it’s a female just taking a […]

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Create an Insectiary!

Create an Insectiary!

| July 17, 2012 | 4 Replies

Create an insectiary in your garden to attract beneficial insects! In “Wild Farm,” episode 15 of “Late Bloomer,” we meet Lisa Putnam and her sister Kathleen, who are master gardeners and they take us on a tour of Lisa’s family farm in Woodside, CA. Lisa explained that her insectiary brings in beneficial insects which eat the […]

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Patty Pan Squash!

Patty Pan Squash!

| July 17, 2012 | 4 Replies

Patty pan squash is ripe! My young neighbor Sophia and I planted this Cucurbita pepo Balmoral, or Patty Pan Squash, over Memorial Day weekend. Here’s the first harvested one. The tag says 55-65 days to harvest. I took the first one off today at 51 days. You can see us planting the seedling near the end (3:32) […]

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Raw Almond Nut Butter!

Raw Almond Nut Butter!

| July 16, 2012 | Reply

My blog is about all things my garden, BUT, as I won’t be growing almond trees, and I’ve just tasted the most incredible raw almond nut butter, I wanted to share. http://shop.hempspread.com/Raw-Almond-Butter-2576.htm. From Wilderness Poets, there are many other super foods available. You can order online and save money buying more than one! If you try it, […]

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Speaking of Parrots

Speaking of Parrots

| July 15, 2012 | 6 Replies

Speaking of parrots, my neighbor across the street, C.L., has been reporting quite a show with the wild parrots passing through and making hay of my wilted sunflowers. I had been lopping off the deadheads, but when he told me that it was food for the parrots I left them on. I hadn’t seen them, […]

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