Tag: Kaye Kittrell Late Bloomer

Yellow, Green and a Touch of Purple

Yellow, Green and a Touch of Purple

| August 21, 2012 | 5 Replies

Taking a look around this morning, I notice a few things. My first orange pepper is almost orange! Look closely and you will see the water spots from my hand-watering with a hose. I’ve got to get soaker hoses set up one of these days. My butterfly bush is loaded with seed pods ready to […]

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Upon Arrival

Upon Arrival

| August 19, 2012 | 12 Replies

I just returned from a few days in New England, and these are some of the things I found in my garden upon arrival. My first bloom of my Mexican Sunflowers. The packet says 6-8′ tall, however mine all look like they’ll be lucky to reach two feet. Wow, do they pack some color! Lots […]

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Monarchs and Milkweed – Episode 16

Monarchs and Milkweed – Episode 16

| August 14, 2012 | 14 Replies

In this episode, I visit Loree Bryer, citizen scientist for the Monarch Butterfly in her milkweed habitat garden in Mar Vista, California. Come see what we discover on this day in late June. View here or in high resolution on YouTube. Thanks for watching! – Kaye

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Queen of the Night Blooms!

Queen of the Night Blooms!

| August 13, 2012 | 17 Replies

Queen of the Night blooms! For one night a year only! My neighbor, Zdena, grows many Nightblooming Cereus, or Selenicereus grandiflorus cacti, and one was blooming tonight. She texted me and I ran over. It’s a challenge photographing this amazingly intricate flower with it’s deep, coiled center, in the dark! The flower is probably eight inches across. You’d […]

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Too Late!

Too Late!

| August 12, 2012 | 7 Replies

I finally decided to cut my fourth baby watermelon. It had not gotten any bigger in two weeks. You recall two were stolen and smashed by critter or human on my neighbors’ front steps. I draped netting over the patch after the theft. The first one I ate and it wasn’t very sweet. I cut this one and […]

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Meet My Kids

Meet My Kids

| August 12, 2012 | 10 Replies

Because sunflowers make you smile! 🙂 Thanks for stopping by! – Kaye

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Before, After

Before, After

| August 10, 2012 | 8 Replies

I seeded this Royal Burgundy Bean inside in the middle of June. Along with this Japanese Melon seedling. Out of 12 seedlings of various vegetables planted, only three were viable, and a Japanese Parsley croaked outside. I hardened these seedling outside on the front porch with part sun, part shade, for a couple of weeks. […]

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Christmas Salad

Christmas Salad

| August 9, 2012 | 14 Replies

Okay, it’s not Christmas, and you wouldn’t get these five varieties of fresh homegrown tomatoes at Christmas, not even in California! But, the red and green made me think of Christmas. Another thing I love about growing your own food is not having to cook! It’s too hot anyway. Five varieties of tomato, with fresh […]

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Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday

| August 8, 2012 | 6 Replies

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Peel n’ Eat

Peel n’ Eat

| August 6, 2012 | 13 Replies

One of the great privileges of growing your own corn, is, when it’s ripe and you’re hungry, you can peel n’ eat. My grandmothers always had fresh corn, but I never ate corn raw till I was in my 30’s. I know this ear is a bit small and homely, but it tasted great! Only […]

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