Tag: Kaye Kittrell Late Bloomer

The Power of We

The Power of We

| October 15, 2012 | 15 Replies

The Power of We is the theme of Blog Action Day. When I think about the Power of We, and how it relates to this most pivotal year for me – creating an urban edible garden in my front yard, creating community in my neighborhood, meeting gardeners and farmers, creating an online community with my blog, […]

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Hogwash in Michigan!

Hogwash in Michigan!

| October 14, 2012 | 18 Replies

Not all of my blog followers make it to Late Bloomer Facebook page, and because I feel so strongly about food security and family farmers, and I know some of you are raising pigs and chickens and other animals, I am passing along this video of pig farmer Mark Baker, fighting the new ISO pig […]

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Some Thoughts on Clay

Some Thoughts on Clay

| October 12, 2012 | 17 Replies

Today I had Some Thoughts on Clay. This is my soil. Hard, almost hard as a rock, compacted clay. If I was a potter, or a brick maker, I would have a lifetime supply with which to work. It took a pick axe to separate this clod from the Earth. Last fall, my son Walker […]

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It’s Finished! Finished!

It’s Finished! Finished!

| October 12, 2012 | 11 Replies

Yesterday, I stopped into the Waldorf school, where one of my sons spent five years, to say hello to Farmer Jack, who was giving a biodynamic demonstration for the children. You will remember Farmer Jack from episode 7 of Late Bloomer. I hadn’t seen him in a while. The children were taking turns stirring water […]

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Monarch Caterpillar Action

Monarch Caterpillar Action

| October 11, 2012 | 6 Replies

Monarch caterpillars, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways: You are gentle, and stunningly beautiful; You don’t mind sharing a milkweed branch with a sibling; You can hang upside down, while shedding your skin; (See those smaller feet it has just shed? This rather blows my mind.) You are big! Your color […]

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Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday

| October 10, 2012 | 4 Replies

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Bye, Bye, Zuke, Bye, Bye!

Bye, Bye, Zuke, Bye, Bye!

| October 7, 2012 | 12 Replies

Bye, Bye, Zuke, Bye, Bye! It’s been five days since my last post, and eight days since the onset of a doozy of a chest cold. I’ve spent no more than an hour in the garden any day for the last week, not enough! Three days ago, my zucchini plant looked great with several fresh […]

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Green, Good Morn!

Green, Good Morn!

| October 2, 2012 | 2 Replies

Green, Good Morn! Just as the sun was making it’s appearance, I observed what’s new in the garden. Everything’s green! I barely spotted this 3/4″ cabbage worm resting on a baby arugula leaf. Kale’s a’ comin’! My baby kale is sprouting in a pushed up hill in the middle of my white pot. It was […]

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Monarch Sighting!

Monarch Sighting!

| October 1, 2012 | 9 Replies

Monarch Sighting! I was out watering, and doing a minimal gardening job as record heat is expected today, when I spotted my first Monarch Butterfly! If you haven’t yet seen my Monarch episode of episode of “Late Bloomer,” please check it out! After my visit with Loree Bryer, citizen scientist for the Monarch, I planted […]

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The Morning After

The Morning After

| September 27, 2012 | 6 Replies

I thought it might be interesting to go out the morning after my “Evening Observations” post to see what I missed last night. Turns out, there were a few things, particularly this critter lounging on my red cabbage. That notch of missing leaf just beside it’s head was in its mouth. I call a lot […]

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