Tag: Kaye Kittrell Late Bloomer

The Mystery is Revealed!

The Mystery is Revealed!

| December 8, 2012 | 6 Replies

The sun came out today and it warmed up in the afternoon, so I was keeping an hourly watch on this caterpillar, as another curled up cat, that had been curled up for two days, formed a chrysalis in a couple of hours and I missed it. This one looked pretty much the same as it […]

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Scary Fungi

Scary Fungi

| December 7, 2012 | 7 Replies

Scary Fungi! Did you know that Fungi are not plants? They are unique and separate life forms and have their own kingdom. After three solid days of rain, this group of fungi popped up in the back garden in a shady area of soil. They are not growing on rotten wood or tree roots. I […]

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Wet Cats! (Monarch Caterpillars)

Wet Cats! (Monarch Caterpillars)

| December 3, 2012 | 6 Replies

It’s been gently raining, on and off, for the better part of three days. The ground is soaked, and so are my cats. I go out several times a day to check on them, and count them. This AM, I found 13 caterpillars, five chrysalises, and one forming a chrysalis. About nine, like this one, are […]

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I Won’t Be Silent! Chemtrails!

I Won’t Be Silent! Chemtrails!

| November 29, 2012 | 10 Replies

Today, I listened to Doreen Virtue on Hay House Radio online. She said that chemtrails, or geo-engineering, the manipulation of the Earth’s atmosphere by spraying heavy metals into it from jet planes (then those particles fall to Earth), GMO’s (genetically modified organisms), fracking (forcing chemicals deep in the ground to extract natural gas) and fluoridation (forcing the […]

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Fall Sprouts – Part 1

Fall Sprouts – Part 1

| November 28, 2012 | 11 Replies

There’s nothing I get a bigger kick out of than watching a sprout push out of the earth from a seed I have planted. These seedlings come from seeds I planted within a week of one another. In Southern California, gardeners do not get a break! We can, and must, if you are obsessed as […]

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A Monarch Butterfly Is Born

A Monarch Butterfly Is Born

| November 23, 2012 | 20 Replies

Today was the day! I checked on my cocoon early, as it was quite dark yesterday. I took this photo about an hour before she emerged. You can see where the dark ring top left became a row of holes, presumably for ventilation, as it does not function as an exit zipper. The butterfly rips […]

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Wet Garden

Wet Garden

| November 17, 2012 | 22 Replies

We received a little rain last night, enough to completely cover the surface of the garden. Before the sun comes out (it always does) and dries it all off, I captured this wide shot. As you can see, I’m way behind on fall planting. Thankfully, we are in Southern California, so, there’s a good chance […]

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Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday

| November 14, 2012 | Reply

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How Do They Know? Mysteries of Caterpillars

How Do They Know? Mysteries of Caterpillars

| November 11, 2012 | 14 Replies

After yesterday’s post, I went out to clean the remaining egg off the driveway, or, I tried. I was using the “jet” setting on my hose sprayer and blasting one bad spot. I looked ahead about ten feet from me and saw something dangling to a 20″ plastic pot of a flowering bush. I figured […]

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We Were Egged, Drugged, Flood in Haiti, Some Thoughts

We Were Egged, Drugged, Flood in Haiti, Some Thoughts

| November 10, 2012 | 17 Replies

Last night, I was putting away the leftover soup about 10:15 PM, and there was a soft knock at the door. Very strange. I froze. Then another knock. No one knocks on our door after ten o’clock. I ran upstairs and got my husband, and we approached the door. It was a neighbor from the […]

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