Tag: Kaye Kittrell Late Bloomer

Time to Sow Sweet Peas & Carrots! Order Seed

Time to Sow Sweet Peas & Carrots! Order Seed

| March 21, 2015 | 1 Reply

It’s time to sow Sweet Peas & Carrots! To order seed, click links and photos. If your ground is just starting to thaw (soil temps above 40° F), you want to be thinking about planting two garden favorites, peas and carrots. In the three winters that I have been growing food, I have had great luck […]

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Kaye on The Wisconsin Vegetable Gardener

Kaye on The Wisconsin Vegetable Gardener

| March 21, 2015 | Reply

Kaye on The Wisconsin Vegetable Gardener Podcast Recently, I was interviewed for Joey and Holly Baird’s The Wisconsin Vegetable Gardener podcast. Podcasts are the latest venture into garden programming for Joey and Holly, who, while each working at full-time jobs, grow a garden and create high quality garden videos. I hope you will check out this, their second […]

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Late Bloomer Show at the Vancouver Web Fest

Late Bloomer Show at the Vancouver Web Fest

| March 14, 2015 | 2 Replies

Last week, Late Bloomer Show was at the Vancouver Web Fest. According to festival founder Suzette Laqua, three years ago there were five web festivals in the world and this year there are 32. Some of the most exciting work now is being created expressly for the web, and Vancouver Web Fest is Canada’s premiere […]

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Joys & Challenges of Growing Carrots

Joys & Challenges of Growing Carrots

| March 3, 2015 | 2 Replies

The new episode of “Late Bloomer” is the Joys & Challenges of Growing Carrots. This, the 60th episode and Season 3 finale, covers my three-year experience growing carrots in containers and in a raised bed in my front yard. I’m hearing in a lot of comments that I wasn’t alone finding carrots challenging to grow, even for […]

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Purchase Easy Seed Sprouter & Seeds!

Purchase Easy Seed Sprouter & Seeds!

| March 3, 2015 | Reply

Have fresh greens in winter with Easy Seed Sprouting! Are you aching to get in your garden, but the weather won’t let you? One way to have nutrition at your fingertips all year long is to sprout! I admit, I was intimidated by the idea of sprouting (well, I’m a late bloomer and lots of things […]

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The Irony of Food Pricing

The Irony of Food Pricing

| February 25, 2015 | 14 Replies

* This post has been reprinted on HoneyColony.com While shopping at Whole Foods this past week, I was struck (again) by the irony of food pricing. As I have recently given up modern wheat and most gluten, I have stepped up buying raw nuts. In 2007, the government issued a law that said all almonds […]

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Growing Peppers – Part 2: Rain, Preserving, Seed Saving, Eating

Growing Peppers – Part 2: Rain, Preserving, Seed Saving, Eating

| February 15, 2015 | 3 Replies

Growing Peppers – Part 2: Rain, Preserving, Seed Saving, Eating is the 59th episode of Late Bloomer |Urban Organic Garden Show. If you watched Part 1, you won’t want to miss the conclusion of my pepper story. It’s New Year’s Day and 37° and Kaye recounts fall pepper events in the Late Bloomer garden. Raccoons […]

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Birthday Reflections, Valentine’s Day Style

Birthday Reflections, Valentine’s Day Style

| February 14, 2015 | 15 Replies

Birthday Reflections, Valentine’s Day Style. My mother likes to reflect that I was born on Valentine’s Day during an historic ice storm. She doesn’t remember a whole lot about the biggest event in my life, since the local doctor put women to sleep to deliver babies back then. My father drove 22 miles over slippery […]

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Growing Peppers – Part 1: Sowing, Potting, Pests, Harvest

Growing Peppers – Part 1: Sowing, Potting, Pests, Harvest

| January 30, 2015 | 6 Replies

Growing Peppers – Part 1: Sowing, Potting, Pests, Harvest is the latest episode of “Late Bloomer.” Kaye takes us through her entire experience of managing 28 pepper plants in her small urban garden. This is the first time Kaye covers growing a vegetable seed to seed, so make sure to subscribe, so you will be notified when […]

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Four Fun-filled Primarily Paleo Days with a Midwife Blogger

Four Fun-filled Primarily Paleo Days with a Midwife Blogger

| January 27, 2015 | 2 Replies

I just spent the last four fun-filled primarily paleo days with a midwife blogger. This is an incredible story. Prepare to be amazed. The internet does a couple of things really well, inform and connect. You can learn how to do almost anything on the internet (how do you think I learned to garden?) and you […]

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