Tag: gardening web series

Protein-rich Beans and Rice Lunch

Protein-rich Beans and Rice Lunch

| August 1, 2012 | 1 Reply

A protein-rich beans and rice lunch filled the bill after working up an appetite reading blogs today. I’ve had so many salads of late, that, even though it’s August, I was ready for some comfort food. Okay, I was feeling the need for protein yesterday, so I soaked the beans overnight. These are Organic Anasazi “Heirloom […]

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Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday

| August 1, 2012 | 12 Replies

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The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

| August 1, 2012 | 6 Replies

The good, the bad, and the ugly: The chopped and melted buckwheat is reseeding itself on my flower island. I think that’s a good thing; My Brandywine tomato plant, the really huge one, has Blossom End Rot (thank you to a blogger who wrote in and told me). That’s bad; A critter, a suspected raccoon, […]

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What’s Going On?

What’s Going On?

| August 1, 2012 | 4 Replies

Is this some insect, nutritional defect, or fungus? Or, some alien hieroglyphic that I need to interpret? Whatever, it seems to be all over my garden. Cucumber 1 (Bushy): Cucumber 2 (A&C Pickling): Cucumber 3 (Japanese Climbing): Japanese Melon: Patty Pan Squash: Yellow and Green Bean: Even the Nasturtium! These plants are in different soils […]

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Wild Farm – Episode 15

Wild Farm – Episode 15

| July 30, 2012 | 9 Replies

Kaye visits organic, sustainable Wild Farm in Woodside, California on a windy day in late June, 2012. Owners, and master gardeners, sisters Lisa and Kathleen Putnam give Kaye a fast-paced tour of their large, family farm. Please watch here, or high quality on YouTube. “Maxine the Chicken,” set to motion by Late Bloomer motion graphics wizard, Mika […]

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Watermelon, Watering & Bugs

Watermelon, Watering & Bugs

| July 26, 2012 | 7 Replies

Watermelon, Watering & Bugs are preoccupying me these days. When my watermelon patch (about 6’x6″ with seven plants of baby watermelon) started showing fruit, I could count at least 50 little green balls emerging. Now, it seems like things are amiss. (I’ve since learned that vines put out a lot of little ones, but they […]

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Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday

| July 25, 2012 | 3 Replies

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About the Radishes…

About the Radishes…

| July 23, 2012 | 6 Replies

About the Radishes… I had such trouble germinating carrots after the rains of March dried up, that I thought I would try seeding them in a deep pot. I bought a wooden tub with wheels, and direct-seeded it using the same technique as planting lettuce in a pot, (see my Late Bloomer episode!) except I […]

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Parrots are BA-ACK!

Parrots are BA-ACK!

| July 23, 2012 | 9 Replies

I was just starting a blog post about my radishes, when the carrying-on outside my office window rang a familiar bell. I grabbed my camera and ran outside and a group of seven green, wild parrots were congregating in the top branch of the tree. Want to hear what I hear?

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Tomato Trouble!

Tomato Trouble!

| July 21, 2012 | 8 Replies

I spent most of yesterday fussing over my tomatoes. I “didn’t get the memo” (from the movie “Batman Begins”) about pruning. As vines towered four feet over my head, I had to channel my inner contortionist to crawl into the jungle and clean up a big pile of limp or shriveled leaves and branches. That’s […]

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