Tag: gardening web series

My Pot Station

My Pot Station

| September 25, 2012 | 11 Replies

My pot station is where I kept all my pots of herbs and lettuce the first year of gardening. This is how my front porch, aka my “pot station,” looked on August 4th, 2012. By yesterday, there wasn’t much left of all this. So, I dumped most of it and started over. Here’s what it […]

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Life on the Parkway, or, Second Thoughts about the Tree

Life on the Parkway, or, Second Thoughts about the Tree

| September 23, 2012 | 6 Replies

Life on the Parkway, or, Second Thoughts about the Tree. Curbside gardening is an interesting prospect. Just when you think you have things under control and figured out, they change. If you have followed the Late Bloomer web series, you may remember how this whole gardening thing started for me. Our parkway Acacia tree died, […]

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Still Rolling Along! Tomatoes!

Still Rolling Along! Tomatoes!

| September 21, 2012 | 2 Replies

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My 100th Post, Pruning! Or, the Way it Was!

My 100th Post, Pruning! Or, the Way it Was!

| September 20, 2012 | 10 Replies

For my 100th blog post since rolling out LATE BLOOMER on Earth Day 2012, I debated on what my topic should be. Should I do as usual, and simply report on the day, or should it be more meaningful in some way? I decided to report on the day yesterday, which turned out to be meaningful […]

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The Queen That Didn’t Bloom

The Queen That Didn’t Bloom

| September 19, 2012 | 7 Replies

The queen that didn’t bloom last night is my Nightblooming Cereus, or Selenicereus grandiflorus. The cactus species blooms one night a year, or years, and withers within hours. For some reason, the bud didn’t open. The impossibly intricate, huge white blooms, are protected by long, pale salmon tubes, with sharp points. When the bloom looks […]

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My Little Meyer Lemon Tree Update

My Little Meyer Lemon Tree Update

| September 17, 2012 | 10 Replies

My Little Meyer Lemon Tree Update ~ I took Melissa, from Live Love Be Green’s, advice about my little lemon tree, and removed all leaves with mealy bugs. (See “My Little Lemon Tree” for the pests that I found.) I agree it was mealy bug. I disposed of them in the garbage. Then, I mixed […]

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Olives. Now, What?

Olives. Now, What?

| September 15, 2012 | 10 Replies

We planted several olive trees before I ever started on the vegetable garden. Only two are in the ground, and they both have olives. Naturally, I paid no attention to the variety when they were planted. When one of the potted olive trees grew a single olive, I read up on olives and it seemed […]

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My Little Lemon Tree

My Little Lemon Tree

| September 15, 2012 | 10 Replies

My Little Lemon Tree, my so-called “ever-bearing” Meyer lemon tree, has not born a ripe lemon since last November. It had quite a lot of blooms in the spring, but, it’s September, and, though carrying two dozen lemons, the leaves don’t look so well. I recently gave it more iron, organic plant food, alfalfa meal, […]

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Celery and a Fig Beetle

Celery and a Fig Beetle

| September 9, 2012 | 11 Replies

Celery and a Fig Beetle had my interest today. I  just planted celery seedlings in the parkway where my corn was. I read in “Golden Gate Gardening” that celery would like to be planted in pure compost, so I obliged with a whole bag of biodynamic compost between six seedlings. It also needs a lot […]

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Cucurbit Issues, or Trouble in the Parkway

Cucurbit Issues, or Trouble in the Parkway

| September 6, 2012 | 11 Replies

I was doing some research last night trying to find out what was wrong with my lemon tree. Though I have more than a dozen green lemons developing, the leaves don’t look so good. I decided to take a closer look. On the undersides of a few leaves, I saw cottony puffs and an ant madly […]

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