Tag: gardening web series

Kaye’s Tomato Story – Episode 18

Kaye’s Tomato Story – Episode 18

| November 3, 2012 | 4 Replies

My tomato episode is online, and I would love for you to watch it and share with friends. It was a long time coming, because, I kept waiting for my tomatoes to finish for this season, but, it’s November 3, and I’ve still got tomatoes growing! Click here, or for better quality, watch on YouTube. […]

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Celery Patch Pests

Celery Patch Pests

| November 3, 2012 | 14 Replies

Celery patch pests are trouble. I highly recommend growing celery in raised beds, so you don’t have to get down on all fours to inspect your celery. I did that today. I went out to harvest some spears for juicing, and ran across a cabbage worm. I ran in for my camera and had to […]

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Pineapple Guava Popsicles!

Pineapple Guava Popsicles!

| October 27, 2012 | 16 Replies

Pineapple Guava Popsicles! This is the first year in the ten years we have had the pineapple guava tree that the squirrels have left the guavas alone, and I have been able to gather a handful of fallen guavas every day. I also have guavas on one of the bushes planted in pots. I’m not […]

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Confused Watermelons

Confused Watermelons

| October 25, 2012 | 9 Replies

My baby watermelon plants are confused watermelons. Do they not know it’s nearly Halloween? I think they think they are pumpkins! I photographed four baby watermelons, on separate vines this morning at 8AM. After a long summer of low production, my neighbor, C.L., remarked he thought I should be watering more. Because I hand-water everything, […]

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Kaye is Farmer of the Week on UrbanFig.com!

Kaye is Farmer of the Week on UrbanFig.com!

| October 24, 2012 | 15 Replies

Today, October 24, is Food Day, and I couldn’t be more pleased to be the featured Farmer of the Week on UrbanFig.com, Backyard Farming for Urban Dwelling. UrbanFig features a different urban organic farmer every week, and this is my week! Please check it out by clicking here, or the title below. Also included is my […]

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On Monarchs, Blueberries and Birthdays

On Monarchs, Blueberries and Birthdays

| October 23, 2012 | 7 Replies

Today, October 22nd, is the 22nd birthday of my son, Walker. He’s a senior at Stanford, and I’d hoped to be up there, but the life of a college athlete is very busy, and he didn’t think he would even have time to dine with me. So, I am not going to see him in […]

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Fig Beetle Grub

Fig Beetle Grub

| October 20, 2012 | 14 Replies

Fig Beetle Grub. This year I discovered my first fig beetle grub, or larva. Also, known as a June Bug. Eggs are laid by the adults during the summer under pots or just under the soil surface and when the grubs hatch they burrow down and inch or two and spend the winter under the […]

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My Monarch Photo on GardenStalking.com

My Monarch Photo on GardenStalking.com

| October 19, 2012 | 6 Replies

My Monarch photo appeared on GardenStalking today! (Click on the photo to go the blog post.) GardenStalking is a sister site to DessertStalking. Join GardenStalking and submit photos! Monarch Butterflies only lay eggs on milkweed, and the Western Monarch is particularly at risk due to a parasite called O.C., and with loss of habitat. Grow […]

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Things You Expect to See, And Don’t

Things You Expect to See, And Don’t

| October 17, 2012 | 4 Replies

Things You Expect to See, And Don’t in October. You don’t expect to see summer vegetables and flowers. You do expect pineapple guava a Stupice tomato (developed in the Czech Republic, and suited for Southern California’s microclimate by the coast) and if you are lucky, some olives. What’s showing in your garden in October? What […]

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The Power of We

The Power of We

| October 15, 2012 | 15 Replies

The Power of We is the theme of Blog Action Day. When I think about the Power of We, and how it relates to this most pivotal year for me – creating an urban edible garden in my front yard, creating community in my neighborhood, meeting gardeners and farmers, creating an online community with my blog, […]

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