Tag: gardening web series

Ladybird Beetle – It Was in My Hand!!

Ladybird Beetle – It Was in My Hand!!

| January 16, 2013 | 5 Replies

I have so much to do, I don’t know where to start. I’m getting a little overwhelmed. Spraining the ankle on New Year’s Day didn’t help me get off to the roaring start I’d planned. I took a cup of tea out to the garden at noon to evaluate and meditate. It’s amazing what happens […]

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Growing Corn Curbside Proves Challenging

Growing Corn Curbside Proves Challenging

| January 14, 2013 | 4 Replies

Growing Corn Curbside proves challenging for Kaye’s first effort at growing corn. Pests and poor pollination are factors. Please watch and share “Growing Corn Curbside,” the 20th episode and end of Season 1! Also, the corn episode completes the corn, tomato and watermelon trilogy. Watch here, or higher resolution, including HD, on YouTube. Once again, I […]

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New Year Garden News!

New Year Garden News!

| January 8, 2013 | 14 Replies

I’m so glad I got the garden planted when I did in November. December was unseasonably cold for Southern California, and wet. I made an heroic effort on November 30th, remembering the six months without rain, to capture rainwater during the first downpour since April. I ripped one gutter down pipe away from the house, […]

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Growing Watermelon – Episode 19!

Growing Watermelon – Episode 19!

| December 31, 2012 | 8 Replies

Growing Watermelon – Episode 19! I’m from the South, and there’s nothing I love more than corn, tomatoes and watermelon. I knew if I had a garden I had to grow all three. You’ve seen my tomato episode. Please watch and share “Growing Watermelon” – Episode 19. Since I only had a 6’x6′ space, I […]

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Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays!

| December 26, 2012 | 5 Replies

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Christmas Eve Salad

Christmas Eve Salad

| December 25, 2012 | 9 Replies

Christmas Eve Salad from my garden. Spinach, arugula, baby kale, baby finger carrots, Stupice tomato, Japanese pepper, cilantro, Meyer lemon, drizzled with raw olive oil with cracked pepper. Merry Christmas, everyone, all over the world!

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Fall Sprouts – Part 3

Fall Sprouts – Part 3

| December 20, 2012 | 7 Replies

As the sprouts surge from recent rain, the number of species left to sprout is winding down. A few more seeds have sprouted, with a few more to go. Check out the last post, if you missed it, to see what’s sprouting in my Late Bloomer garden. I sprinkled dill seeds on the parkway to fill […]

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Fall Sprouts – Part 2

Fall Sprouts – Part 2

| December 9, 2012 | 3 Replies

In Southern California, growing food is a year-round activity, passion, and, for some, profession. There are no long, winter months to perfectly plan for the following year, we just do the best we can with what we have and keep going. This is a follow-up to Fall Sprouts – Part 1. Here are eight more sprouts […]

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The Mystery is Revealed!

The Mystery is Revealed!

| December 8, 2012 | 6 Replies

The sun came out today and it warmed up in the afternoon, so I was keeping an hourly watch on this caterpillar, as another curled up cat, that had been curled up for two days, formed a chrysalis in a couple of hours and I missed it. This one looked pretty much the same as it […]

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Scary Fungi

Scary Fungi

| December 7, 2012 | 7 Replies

Scary Fungi! Did you know that Fungi are not plants? They are unique and separate life forms and have their own kingdom. After three solid days of rain, this group of fungi popped up in the back garden in a shady area of soil. They are not growing on rotten wood or tree roots. I […]

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