Tag: gardening web series

Meeting a Fellow Blogger is a Bit Unreal

Meeting a Fellow Blogger is a Bit Unreal

| May 30, 2013 | 10 Replies

Meeting a fellow blogger is a bit unreal, and, it’s also very natural. Amy at Confessions of a Natural Momma and I have been following one another’s blogs for over a year. Even though I am decades older, we found common ground in our beliefs and ideals, and I frankly think she is quite remarkable. She […]

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Fabulous Funky Fungi, of the California Kind

Fabulous Funky Fungi, of the California Kind

| May 16, 2013 | 10 Replies

Fabulous Funky Fungi, of the California Kind have been popping up in the Late Bloomer garden! Water a little too much, and some mind-bending creation appears overnight. Pink-spored Pluteus atromarginatus. When I look at this photo.I think of Captain Jack Sparrow (from “Pirates of the Caribbean,” for those of you who have been on a deserted […]

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Kiwi, Strawberry and Pineapple Guava Blossom Salad

Kiwi, Strawberry and Pineapple Guava Blossom Salad

| May 15, 2013 | 2 Replies

Kiwi, Strawberry and Pineapple Guava Blossom Salad was lunch today. Grilling, stir-fry, salads and soups are about all I manage to make these days, with an occasional batch of homemade biscuits or cornbread. Today, I thought, what do I have that I can make to go with my dwindling pineapple guava blossoms? This is what […]

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Late Bloomer at Tomatomania

Late Bloomer at Tomatomania

| April 22, 2013 | 7 Replies

“Late Bloomer at Tomatomania” celebrates the one-year anniversary of “Late Bloomer,” today, Earth Day 2013! The 25th episode begins our second year, and I want to thank each and every one of you who has watched an episode, subscribed, followed, liked, commented, thumbs upped, and most especially, shared “Late Bloomer” with your friends! Last Earth […]

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Garden on St. Patrick’s Day – New Episode!

Garden on St. Patrick’s Day – New Episode!

| April 2, 2013 | Reply

I thought I’d have some fun in the garden on St. Patrick’s Day! We had a June-gloomy kind of day, so I put on bright green, harvested some green cauliflower, made green kale dip (see recipe below), and tore out a rotted green fence. Join in the fun and share with friends! If you enjoy or […]

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Late Bloomer’s New Look!

Late Bloomer’s New Look!

| March 20, 2013 | 2 Replies

After much ado, the new “Late Bloomer” website premieres! With the expertise of WordPress Training & Online Marketing Consultant Lucy Beer and the graphics artistry of “Late Bloomer’s” motion graphics artist Mika Tanisaki, “Late Bloomer” unveils whole new look! While they were busy at work making the site look good, and function, I was busy writing my […]

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Winter Garden Fun and Maintenance – Episode 23

Winter Garden Fun and Maintenance – Episode 23

| March 20, 2013 | Reply

Winter Garden Fun and Maintenance – Episode 23. Kaye weeds nasturtium, harvests carrots and radishes and plants more radish seeds in her front yard vegetable garden, with neighbor Sophia’s help. Kaye plants berry vines in the tubs where the carrots were. Kaye offers a method for fighting against cutworm! Check out this simple tip, sink […]

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Winter Garden Maintenance

Winter Garden Maintenance

| February 18, 2013 | 2 Replies

Winter gardening is a challenge with cold, wet days in December. Good thing the garden is planted! But, you have to venture out once in a while to thin seedlings, deal with pests, harvest heaps of vitamin-packed celery for juicing and encounter wildlife. Check out Kaye’s camelias! The front yard is packed with vegetables. Watch […]

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My Green Juice

My Green Juice

| February 8, 2013 | 8 Replies

My green juice recipe appears below, as requested. This is the green vegetable juice I have made almost every week since 2000. I just call it “green juice.” This is an alkaline drink which our bodies desperately need, because, I understand, an overly acidic body leads to disease. Meat, dairy and many other foods are […]

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Winter Garden – Season 2 Has Begun!

Winter Garden – Season 2 Has Begun!

| February 6, 2013 | 14 Replies

Please watch and share Season 2, Episode 1 of “Late Bloomer,” “Planting the Winter Garden.” Featuring the original guitar composition of “Late Bloomer’s” new composer, guitar man Jon Pileggi. I’m very excited to add Jon to our lean and creative Late Bloomer team! I’ve been busy planting a garden, making Late Bloomer episodes, creating an e-book […]

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