Tag: gardening web series

Growing Heirloom Tomatoes Part 2!

Growing Heirloom Tomatoes Part 2!

| October 29, 2014 | Reply

Growing Heirloom Tomatoes Part 2 has arrived! In June, Kaye plants extra seedlings at neighbor’s houses, and gets hit with everything from deer to June bugs in part 2 of the growing heirloom tomatoes epic! As the giant pumpkin threatens to swallow a few struggling tomato plants, Kaye gets to do a little gardening with kids, […]

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Morning Impressions with Monarchs

Morning Impressions with Monarchs

| October 21, 2014 | 2 Replies

Morning impressions with monarchs began my day. I spotted a pineapple guava yesterday and thought this morning it would look nice when the first rays of sun kissed it. As I was photographing it, just after the sun rose past my neighbor’s tree, I remarked (to myself) that I hadn’t seen many Monarch caterpillars, considering that […]

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October Blooms both Ethereal and Lusty

October Blooms both Ethereal and Lusty

| October 4, 2014 | 2 Replies

October blooms both ethereal and lusty grace my garden this first week of October, and feed Monarchs, other butterflies, hummingbirds and bees. I thought I’d take a close look around, now that the summer garden is mostly finished, and see what’s blooming and providing pollen for the pollinators. After the huge squash blooms of summer […]

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Growing Heirloom Tomatoes Part 1

Growing Heirloom Tomatoes Part 1

| September 30, 2014 | Reply

Growing heirloom tomatoes part 1 covers heirloom seeds, seeding, planting, and managing to care for many more seedlings than ever imagined. Stay tuned for parts 2 and 3! Click through to YouTube for highest resolution. I planted over 200 seeds this year, 150 of them tomato! Nine varieties were from Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds and the […]

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Heatwave Pushes Summer Veggies into Fall

Heatwave Pushes Summer Veggies into Fall

| September 24, 2014 | Reply

The only advantage of our recent heatwave, it pushes summer veggies into fall. I thought I would return from Tennessee and my garden would be burnt to a crisp in the record heatwave of mid-September. Rather, my summer veggies got a boost from the 90+° heat. After pulling all but one tomato vine, the very prolific red cherry […]

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Summer Garden Update

Summer Garden Update

| September 6, 2014 | 2 Replies

Summer Garden Update, the latest episode of “Late Bloomer” reveals a front yard that’s loaded with food plants. The parkway exploded from “Planting a Parkway Food Forest.” From corn and quinoa, to tomatoes, Kabocha squash, tomatillo and beans, there’s lots going on in early July. Don’t have room for a back yard food garden? Use your […]

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My Tomato Cooking, or How I Avoided Canning

My Tomato Cooking, or How I Avoided Canning

| September 5, 2014 | Reply

My tomato cooking, or how I got around the canning thing, is, well, I cheated. You can’t cheat with canning, I know, I know. That’s why I’ve been procrastinating learning to can since I started growing food in my Los Angeles front yard three years ago! After a 42 pound tomato harvest two days ago, I was […]

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My Experience Growing True Comfrey

My Experience Growing True Comfrey

| August 16, 2014 | 5 Replies

My experience growing True Comfrey has been checkered. Last year, I was perusing the Horizon Herbs website, and became determined to buy a live root of something fabulous. I read about True Comfrey and it had so many positive health benefits, I settled on that. Plus this line really caught my eye. Herbaceous perennial native to Europe. […]

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Grow a Native Meadow in Your Yard

Grow a Native Meadow in Your Yard

| August 13, 2014 | Reply

“Grow a Native Meadow in Your Yard” is the latest and 50th episode of “Late Bloomer!” Kaye shows the growth of her parkway native mini-meadow over the course of a year. Soil health, biodiversity (providing food for wildlife) and water conservation are three reasons to create a meadow in your urban garden. And the best reason, if you […]

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Southern Fried Okra, SoCal Style!

Southern Fried Okra, SoCal Style!

| August 8, 2014 | Reply

Southern Fried Okra, SoCal Style! I planted okra seed in May, but it got overshadowed by squash leaves, so I bought nursery plants in late June and just yesterday harvested a handful of okra. Growing up in the South, we always had fresh-frozen okra in the freezer from my grandmother’s garden in Alabama. Mother would fry […]

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