Tag: gardening web series

Make the Most of the Rain Event, Plant!

Make the Most of the Rain Event, Plant!

| December 2, 2014 | 4 Replies

Make the most of the rain event, plant! I’d been rather ashamed that I hadn’t planted anything for a fall/winter garden. The wonderful garlic I harvested in June still sat in my kitchen, and, many packets of seeds waited, neatly filed in a box. I had made all manner of excuses, but the long and short of […]

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Nature Walk – Name that Fungus!

Nature Walk – Name that Fungus!

| November 29, 2014 | 2 Replies

Nature Walk – Name that Fungus! If you’ve been following “Late Bloomer” the last couple of weeks, you know I have fungi on the brain! (See my article “Fungi for Thanksgiving!”) I’m drinking mushroom tea, eating mushrooms, I ordered mushroom immune defense supplements, and I even tried to get a grocer at my market to give […]

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Fungi for Thanksgiving!

Fungi for Thanksgiving!

| November 25, 2014 | 2 Replies

Fungi for Thanksgiving! Beyond attempting to identify various fungi that pop up in the Late Bloomer garden, I haven’t bothered to learn much of anything about fungi in my three years of gardening (I am a late bloomer). But this Thanksgiving week, fungi are all I’m thinking about! I’ve been introduced to the scientific work of […]

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We Need All the Bees We Can Get

We Need All the Bees We Can Get

| November 22, 2014 | 6 Replies

“We need all the bees we can get,” a commercial beekeeper told me at the California State Beekeepers Association annual convention this week in Valencia, California. I had been invited by CSBA Ladies Auxiliary president Melinda Nelson, a beekeeper I’d met when I spoke at the Orange County Organic Gardening Club in May, to be the […]

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Maybe the Best Chicken Salad Ever!

Maybe the Best Chicken Salad Ever!

| November 14, 2014 | 2 Replies

“Maybe the best chicken salad ever,” I said to myself while polishing off two bowls for lunch. I’m am only a “20 minute cook” (if it takes more than 20 minutes to make, I leave those recipes to the experts!) so this salad fit my parameters. I rarely measure anything, so it’s hard to write […]

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Loveliness After the Rain & More on our Water Woes

Loveliness After the Rain & More on our Water Woes

| November 14, 2014 | 2 Replies

Loveliness After the Rain & More on our Water Woes. Last night’s light shower was nothing more than a blip on the radar of California’s vastly reduced water supply due to four straight years of drought. Still, the sight of dripping flowers in the morning light cheered me. I attended a Sierra Club Angeles Chapter water forum last night […]

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Give the Time of Day

Give the Time of Day

| November 11, 2014 | 2 Replies

Give the Time of Day is a motto I live by. Yes, I might be more productive, and successful, if I had blinders on, but I wasn’t made that way. Now that nurturing a garden is as integral to my being as breathing, it’s nearly impossible to pass by it and pass it by, or, not […]

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Farm Fresh Produce to Your Door

Farm Fresh Produce to Your Door

| November 7, 2014 | 4 Replies

What could be more convenient than farm fresh produce to your door? Because I have such a small garden in my front yard, there is a lag between seasonal harvests. I fill in this gap with a farm box from Farm Fresh to You. I often am inspired by the recipes they include in the box, but […]

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Halloween Brings a Treat, Rain!

Halloween Brings a Treat, Rain!

| November 1, 2014 | 3 Replies

Halloween brings a treat, rain! As if scripted in a Hollywood movie, trick-or-treaters young and old were safely snug in their beds before the skies opened up around midnight in Los Angeles County. Northern and Central California got more than the Southland. Los Angeles Times online reported,”The weather service said rainfall totals were less than a […]

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Growing Heirloom Tomatoes Part 3!

Growing Heirloom Tomatoes Part 3!

| October 29, 2014 | Reply

Growing Heirloom Tomatoes Part 3 comes on the heels of Part 2! In this episode, Kaye contends with sprawling vines as colorful tomato varieties are enjoying their first harvests. Kaye is not a carpenter! But, she builds a tomato support for two sprawling vines after getting her Gary O’Sena plant under control. With sizzling original music […]

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