There’s Something About Planting Seeds
There’s something about planting seeds. You’ve probably heard this one: if a woman remembered how painful childbirth is, she wouldn’t have a second baby. No matter how devastating losing a crop to weather, disease or pest, you always want to plant more seeds. If you’re able.

Seeds planted Thursday (chard & purslane from Open Circle Seeds)
I’ve been instructed to rest.
With my right arm broken, I have a perfect excuse not to be planting seeds. Yet, during our Thursday Workday (watch my playlist), I managed to plant a few. In full disclosure, my Thursday garden helper, Erick, did all the work. Since I haven’t been in the garden for three weeks, a lot needed doing. So, I had to be out there to supervise.

Erick cleans out rain barrels
Could we really get rain?
It has rained an hour in eight months. But, they say we might get rain soon. My rain barrels (4) needed disconnecting, and cleaning, and reconnecting. There’s usually one big job of the day and that was it. Much more was accomplished, but in the last 45 minutes, I planted a few arugula, chard, and purslane (a first) seeds in containers, and had Erick plant snap pea seeds in the “back 40” raised bed. (I can’t bend down or lean forward.)

Meager harvest (bowl by Gabrielle Koza)
There’s something about planting seeds.
The first round of peas I planted in October was a huge disappointment. Seeds from England promised as “the most mildew resistant” failed to thrive. We started over with Cascadia (click to order), which I’ve grown a few times. They get mildew, but not before I’ve gotten a decent harvest. I’m not a quitter. I lined the bed in November with garlic and shallots which are doing well.

Back 40 cleared and replanted
Leave it to me to overdo it.
As it turned out, I overdid my first day in the garden, and paid with a painful night. Patrick, a subscriber from England, reminded me the garden can wait and that I can’t take the risk of falling. That might result in having to have a complete shoulder replacement, the doctor had warned me. Just before Christmas, I helped a teenager carry a heavy glider up two flights of stairs for a new mom on my street. Her mother marveled at my strength. (In truth, it was more than I should have done, but she needed to nurse her preemie and no other neighbors were around.) I hope my bone can mend so it is as strong as it was. Till then, caution must be my guide.
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Thanks for your support! – Kaye
Category: Garden Musings, Seeds, Urban Gardening
can’t keep a whirling dervish down !!! I have been snowed in for over a week most of my greehhouse was frozen except a few plants close to the heater.I have a days worth of firewood left on the porch . We have a forcast of 40 tomorrow so hopefully the snow will finally melt a week of gradually warming weather all the way to 60 , I am concerned about keeping my health…. who would carry the 20 gallons of hot water to the horses . Thank goodness I have not been siuck in years and am very careful on the ice and in what I chose to do(thus staying home!) Its time to put a sweet potato in water on top of the frig to create the sweet potato crop for the year Soon it would be time to plant onion seed but I grew my own sets last year. I don’t begin to start seedlings till March. I am glad you have a garden helper so you can get a little done. Winter is the time for deep meditation .
you are right of course. I have been doing a lot of thinking but that is not meditation.
I was watching the sun rise as I read this. The computer says you posted 5 hours ago. I’m sorry you had a restless night. I know how hard it is not to do things for yourself. I’ve not been very good at it myself. I didn’t behave after my hysterectomy and had to have emergency surgery, so please take care of yourself. It feels amazing when you can finally get back to ordinary tasks. It’s that much sweeter to do simple things that you never imagined would be so enjoyable.
Bones can grow back even stronger and with physical therapy I know you’ll get your muscular strength back, too!
Thx!! u r an angel