Finally Potted Up Those Seedlings
Today’s the day I Finally Potted Up Those Seedlings. I am been so remiss. Each day for a week I’ve gone into the studio where they have been residing (for just over two months!) and say “Today’s the day, my friends!” And then it doesn’t happen. But, today is Thursday and my garden man is coming and I have put this on top of the “To Do” list. You just know when they reach a point of no return and you’d better get them in bigger pots, or the ground. Little flies have managed to appear and they fly all around when you inspect them. But, today’s the day!

Kaye points to shriveled leaf
I’ve got all my melons, cucumbers, a few eggplant, broadleaf sage, four o’clocks, peppers and more. I have NO idea where I can plant them all. And I don’t even have the pots to put them in unless my cloth pots I ordered online show up today.

Seedlings in need of potting up
This is Southern California, so I could have been much farther along by now. My tomato plants are all in the ground and growing, in spite of major raccoon digging (they love digging in the wood chips!) two nights ago.
Other big news, in case you haven’t seen the video, “Late Bloomer” won Best Reality Series at the Vancouver Web Fest. Check out my crystal trophy in the photo to the right. And I am working on a big “Desert Bloom” episode for my 100th! Expect that on Earth Day! Meantime, I’m trying to get on a schedule (they stressed that at the web fest), so I am going to be trying out noon on Friday as my upload time. Tomorrow’s video is a sweet pea update. I hope you will watch that over the weekend and share with friends. Festival win aside, it’s still imperative that my channel grows to survive, so if you enjoy it, check out the following ways you can support it. Have a wonderful day, and I’ll be sure to post the results of today’s efforts tomorrow! If you are just finding this site, please sign up in the box to the right and download my free ebook for beginner gardeners!
1) Make a direct PayPal donation! Keep Late Bloomer blooming!
2) Become a Patron!
3) Order a Growing Heirloom Tomatoes DVD from any page on this website.
4) Order Botanical Interests seeds through my affiliate link! I receive a small commission for promoting products I’ve used and believe in. Click the button to go to their website of thousands of heirloom seeds and products.
Thanks for your support! – Kaye
Category: Urban Gardening