Candied Roselle Recipe & More Phoenix Vlogs!
Candied Roselle Recipe & More Phoenix Vlogs! Apparently, June was the worst time to visit Phoenix this year at 118° so I returned last weekend at the perfect time to garden hop. Jacq Davis, with her unique and creative approach to edible gardening is the perfect host, especially because she is such a great cook! Check out my Epic Yard Farm update of her garden and the treats we enjoyed!

Jacq and Kaye in Phoenix, November, 2016
Jacq Davis Candied Roselle Calyx (洛神花蜜餞)
Fun, yummy snack to go with anything. This is a popular Taiwanese snack.
The tartness is balanced by the sugar. The candying process also retains some crunchiness of the roselle calyx!
~ Recipe Directions ~
Harvest large roselle calyx, rinse well to remove any dust and bugs. Remove the seed pod from the middle of the calyx. Rinse the red calyx again.
Blanch the calyx quickly for 3-5 seconds, drop into ice bath to stop the cooking process.
Mix with equal weight of raw sugar and put in sterilized jar to leave at room temperature for 1-3 days.
The sugar draws the moisture out from the calyx.
Refrigerate to keep fresh. Enjoy!

Candied Roselle Calyx Dessert
Jacq Davis Roselle Syrup
~ Recipe Directions ~
Harvest and clean the roselle calyx.
Separate the red calyx from the seed pod in the middle. Rinse both and red calyx and seed pods, keep them in separate bowls.
Take a saucepan and put the cleaned seed pods in the pan, fill the pan with water to no more than 1 inch above the seed pods, boil until the pods are soft.
Strain the seed pods from the liquid and put the pectin rich liquid back in the pan.
Measure the weight of red calyx and then measure equal amount of sugar. Place both the sugar and the calyx in the saucepan with the liquid from the pods.
Bring to a boil, and then lower heat to simmer until the calyx is soft, about 10-15 minutes.
Remove from the heat and put in your prepared jam jars or glasses and let cool before putting in the fridge.
Bonus Step: I like to use immersion blender to blend all the red calyx into the liquid so the syrup/jam is easy to pour or use on other items.
Stay tuned (and make sure to subscribe!) to Late Bloomer on YouTube for more beautiful Phoenix gardens in the next few vlogs. We blitzed through six gardens in four days. I am home editing away!
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Category: Late Bloomer Episodes, Recipes