Vlogging my Way across the East
I’ve been vlogging my way across the east coast. Until this past March I hadn’t heard of a Vlog, so don’t feel bad if you haven’t. A vlog is like a blog, but on video, a video log. YouTube suggests vlogging to build audience for your channel. Travel makes a great excuse for vlogging. Young people are watching vlogs like mad, and I learned at Vancouver Web Fest that people over 40 are a rising group watching vlogs.
I’ve always relied on my editors and composer to help me make the highest quality episodes of Late Bloomer that I can. I learned in Vancouver from a mobile app developer at Adobe that, with their new free app Premiere Clip, I could make videos start to finish myself. I made my first series of 6 parts during my Vancouver trip, and am working through footage from my nearly three week trip back East. Today I will be posting Part 12, with several more installments to come, hopefully one per day until I finish. About 8 more parts.

Kaye with Sher of Sher Garden, in Pittsburgh, my last stop
Kaye’s Vlogs (click for playlist) are an opportunity to see me out of the garden, enjoying people, nature and food. It’s up close and personal and offers me an opportunity to get to meet new online friends and see old friends. I look forward to meeting many more of my Late Bloomer fans in the coming months. In my recent episode, “Garden Control: Hairy Vetch & Powdery Mildew,” I mentioned my travel plans and four fans contacted me and I made a special trip to meet them. I hope you will watch and help me grow my Vlog, which will help to make Late Bloomer more sustainable.
Plans are in the works to go to Tempe, AZ and Chicago this year. Beyond that, it will require some fund-raising. Please consider making a donation. Many thanks for your support! And please share Kaye’s Vlog with anyone who might be interested. Thank you!
I receive a small commission for promoting products I’ve used and believe in. Your support of these products helps me to continue to produce “Late Bloomer” episodes. Click button to order products!
I need financial support for Season 5 of “Late Bloomer.” Consider making a donation to keep Late Bloomer blooming! Thanks for your support! ~ Kaye
Thank you!
Category: Community, Late Bloomer Episodes, Late Bloomer News