My Pot Station
My pot station is where I kept all my pots of herbs and lettuce the first year of gardening. This is how my front porch, aka my “pot station,” looked on August 4th, 2012.
By yesterday, there wasn’t much left of all this. So, I dumped most of it and started over. Here’s what it looked like after about a nine hour day yesterday.
The long box has spinach seed, as well as the round grey pot, two varieties. The white pot has baby kale (that pot won’t hold much). The round terra cotta pot has cilantro.
I planted the avocado I sprouted in this pot, even though I was advised that because I grew it from a pit, it might not bear fruit.
Germination of parsley is aided by darkness, so I obliged with Farmer Jack’s method for planting lettuce.
These carrots I planted on August 11. I thinned them two weeks ago, and they are growing heartily.
I planted more carrots in a second pot on the first of September. I planted Arugula seeds in this pot the same day.
I drilled holes in these two pots and planted some succulent cuttings. I won’t say where I got them. 🙂
The lower one is a salvaged bit from a dried out Japanese herb. At the end of the day, I discovered my orange pepper was finally orange.
What seemed perfection, at first, revealed upon closer inspection to be hosting this invader.
As I was sweeping up, I spotted these two pineapple guavas on the ground having fallen from the tree. Amazingly, they were perfect.
They usually don’t get this big, before squirrels take a bite out of them. I never see one that is intact. My neighbor, C.L., told me they are expensive to buy in the store, and that I should cut them in half (even though they were on the hard side), and scoop out the insides. So, that’s what I did, today.
To my amazement, it was tender, and juicy and unlike any taste I have experienced. Yesterday was a long, tiring day, but I absolutely loved getting my hands in the dirt. Do you grow food in containers? Please leave me a comment. Thanks for stopping by. – Kaye
Category: Urban Gardening, Vegetables
Ha! I was really expecting to see some POT plants!!
That was kind of on purpose, haha!
I thought that all bell peppers came from the same seed and that the longer you leave them on, the more they will turn to red or orange depending on the soil. Was I wrong? I planted a bunch of peppers this year and picked most when they were green. Left a few to turn red. No orange though!
This is an Orange Sun, which matures to a bright orange, it says on the tag. Capsicum Annum. If you Google Orange Sun, you will see lots of images. If you read Capsicum annum on Wikipedia, it says the fruit can ripen to green, yellow, orange or red. So, I don’t know for sure. I am attempting to label my photos now, so I’m glad you wrote and I added the name and Latin name to my images. Thanks! – Kaye
I think my Dad may have some serious pot station envy going on after reading this post
HaHaHa! – Hi, pops!
I better get out and water it or it’s not going to germinate!
Oh such work, I am almost tired looking at the post, but so worthwhile in the end.
It was, Lucinda, but, for each hour in the garden, your mind is off your other troubles, haha! So, it’s a pleasure. I have so much to do out there today it’s not funny, and would like nothing more than to spend the whole day doing it, but if you could see my office, and the dishes and laundry piled up! There’s not enough me to go around. – Kaye
I feel that work load. I too need to go to the garden, but there is a little boy with a birthday party at my house tonight, and well….
Birthdays take precedence! The garden can wait. A day! 🙂 – Kaye